Humorous comment

Miximus in lecto. Fateor, peccavimuṣ,
hospes. Si dices, 'quare?' Nulla matella fuit.

Translation: We peed in the bed. I admit it, we did wrong, host. If you were to ask, Why? There was no chamber pot.
Findspot: Pompeii, Vicolo delle Pareti Rosse (VIII.6.5-8)
Precise Location: VIII.6.6, Facade
Language: Latin
Writing Style: Graffito/incised
Apparatus Criticus: Textus secundum (4).
II pro E ubique est scriptum (4).
Duo versus peraeque sunt scripti ad sinistram ostii (Reg.VIII.6.6) (4).
Est distichum elegiacum, sed ita scriptum est ut hexameter (Miximus in lecto. Fateor, peccavimus, hospes.) ad initium versus secundi transcurreret. Fortasse necesse erat propter ostium? (7)
Bibliography: Not. Sc., 1882, p. 436 (A. Sogliano) (1)
Bull. Inst. Corr. Arch., 1884, p. 188 (A. Mau) (2)
F. Buecheler, Carmina Latin Epigraphica, 1895, p. 431 n. 932 (3)
CIL 04, 04957 con apografo (4) et p. 705 (5)
K. Milnor, Graffiti and the Literary Landscape in Roman Pompeii, 2014, pp. 27-28 (6) (7)
Link to EDR: #EDR175872
Suggested Citation: AGP-EDR175872, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <> [accessed: 22 Feb 2025]

Editor: Rebecca Benefiel

Principal Contributor: Matthew Panciera

Contributor: 6

Last Revision: 2022-10-11
