Drawing of a phallus


Description of Drawing (English): phallus
Findspot: Smyrna, Basilica (Agora.1)
Drawing Category: Erotic images
Writing Style: charcoal
  • Graffito Height: 26
  • Graffito Length: 59
Bibliography: Bagnall, R. S. et al., Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna (2016): 145.
Commentary: Dipinto of a male sexual organ, located in the upper right quadrant of the back wall of Bay 11. The corpus of the penis is drawn horizontally. Of it, only the upper curved line is still preserved. The two testicles are rendered in one single streak shaped as an eight: beginning at the upper right corner of the lower testicle, the line descends to define the first oval, ascends to close the oval and to outline, without closing it, the second upper oval. Clearly associated with the drawing is the word ψωλή (T11.1), immediately above it.
Suggested Citation: AGP-SMYD00115, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <https://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-SMYD00115> [accessed: 12 Mar 2025]

Editor: Roger S. Bagnall

Principal Contributor: Roger S. Bagnall

Last Revision: 2016-10-03