Drawing of a gladiator

((:gladiator cum scuto et ferro ad sin., provocator))

Description of Drawing (English): gladiator with shield and sword facing left, provocator
Findspot: Smyrna, Basilica (Agora.1)
Drawing Category: Gladiators
Writing Style: charcoal
  • Graffito Height: 13.5
  • Graffito Length: 14
Bibliography: Bagnall, R. S. et al., Graffiti from the Basilica in the Agora of Smyrna (2016): 258.
Commentary: Dipinto of a gladiator, located in the upper right quadrant of the back wall of Bay 25. The man is depicted as striding forward toward the left, his right leg advanced. His head is completely covered by a plain helmet, without crest or brim. The helmet is characterized by a broad, downward slanting neck guard that descends to cover also part of the bust. His left leg is significantly larger than the right one, suggesting the presence of a half-length greave. The curved rectangular shield is abandoned on the ground to his left, and partially covered by the man’s body. The gladiator, a provocator, holds his sword, of medium length and with a straight blade, with both hands, as he thrusts it forward.
Suggested Citation: AGP-SMYD00257, The Ancient Graffiti Project, <http://ancientgraffiti.org/Graffiti/graffito/AGP-SMYD00257> [accessed: 29 Apr 2024]

Editor: Roger S. Bagnall

Principal Contributor: Roger S. Bagnall

Last Revision: 2016-10-03